Vous souhaitez être parrainé pour ouvrir un compte sur OKEX, suivez ce lien:
Il n'y a que des avantages pour vous et ceux-ci dépendent de la réalisation des défis comme indiqué ci-dessous (ce parragraphe s'adresse au parrain, vos récompenses sont donc celles du "friend"):
1.When your friend completes the missions below within 180 days after registration, you will get $30 reward.
If your friends buy $100 or more crypto on their first order, you'll both receive $10 in Bitcoin.
If your friends deposit $100 or more crypto on their first order, and pass KYC Lv.2 Verification, if you are from the same country, you will receive $10 in Bitcoin, otherwise, you can get $10 in rebate card.
If your friends finished the trading task in the Rewards, you will get another $10 in Bitcoin and your friends will get $50 in Bitcoin.
2.Once 10 of your friends receive the reward after they buy crypto, you could choose to become an affiliate of OKEx and start to receive trading fee commissions, but you can't receive $10×3 rewards anymore.
3.Your BTC reward will be distributed on the next day at 18:00 (UTC+8).
4.Referral rewards are only paid to your master account.